Thursday, July 18, 2013

28mm Roman Tribune - Relic Miniatures

Here are a few views of a figure I just finished painting, a Roman tribune from Relic Miniatures, whose line of 2nd Punic War era Romans is starting to grow.

The figure wears a bronze breastplate and leather shoulder piece, with layers of linen armor strips below the waist and at the shoulders. He carries a hoplon shield (with a boar device I cut out of a transfer from LBM) and distinctive spear.

Lots of detail, and all of it crisp and well defined.


  1. Very nice! Great proportions on those Relics.

    1. Thanks Simon - I agree, Relic figures have nice proportions. They're slightly on the thinner side compared to some ranges, which strikes me as being more in scale.

  2. Excellent brushwork on this fine sculpt. A true work of art. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean, glad you like the figure. It's a great sculpt. - James
